Fig. 5.
Transmission electron microscopy analysis of chromatin condensation in sperm from Sly-deficient mice. (A–C) shows examples of levels of chromatin condensation: (A) properly condensed chromatin; (B,C) slightly (arrows) and severely decondensed chromatin, respectively. (D,E) Two transgenic mouse lines with Sly deficiency (sh367 and sh344) and their negative siblings serving as controls were compared in single ANOVA analysis, revealing that sh367 had significantly less sperm with properly condensed chromatin than controls and sh344 (D). When Sly-deficient mice were put in the context of mice with moderate (2/3NPYq-) and severe (9/10NPYq- and NPYq-2), single ANOVA analysis showed a significant effect of genotype (P<0.000001), with decrease in proportion of sperm with properly condensed chromatin in order: control>2/3NPYq- = sh344>sh367 = 9/10NPYq->NPYq-2 (E). Statistical significance: a = different (P<0.05) from all other genotypes; NS = non significant. Values are means ± s.e.m. Number of males examined: n = 7, n = 3, n = 5, n = 7, n = 13, n = 3, n = 2, n = 3 for neg sib, sh344, sh367, control, 2/3NPYq-, 9/10NPYq-, and NPYq-2, respectively; 100 sperm heads were scored per male. Scale bar: 1 µm.