Figure 7.
IL1R1 receptor immunoreactivity in tracheas of wild-type mice. A: Low magnification confocal image of IL1R1 receptors (red), lymphatics (LYVE-1, green), and blood vessels (PECAM-1, cyan) in whole mount of trachea. White box is enlarged in B–E. B: Two types of epithelial cells stain for IL1R1 (red). Clustered polygonal cells stain weakly (arrows), and scattered elongated spindle-shaped cells stain strongly (arrowheads). C–E: Structures corresponding to lymphatics (green) or blood vessels (blue) have no detectable IL1R1 receptor staining. F–H: The elongated spindle-shaped cells (arrowheads) with strong red IL-RI staining (F) correspond to neuroendocrine cells (G) that also stain for protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5, green), also found in some fine varicose unmyelinated nerve fibers. H: Merged image. I–K: The clusters of polygonal cells (I) that stain weakly (arrows) for IL1R1 (red) correspond to a subset of a larger number (J) of epithelial basal cells that express keratin 5 (green). K: Merged image. Scale bars: 200 μm (A); 50 μm (B and F).