Fig. 1.
Administration of AAD-2004 suppressed the increase of oxidative stress build-up in the brain of aged Tg-βCTF99/B6 mice. (A) Schematic presentation of treatment with AAD-2004. AAD-2004 was administered at 25 mg/kg/day for 8 months from 10 months to ~18 months of age. (B) MDA levels in the superior prefrontal cortex of non-transgenic control and Tg-βCTF99/B6 mice with or without AAD-2004 treatment. WTCon, non-transgenic wild type control; WT-AAD, wild type mice treated with AAD-2004; Tg-Con, Tg-βCTF99/B6 mice; Tg-AAD, Tg-βCTF99/B6 mice treated with AAD-2004. Data are presented as the means±SEM (each group with 5~8 animals). * and **, differences from the control or between indicated group at p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively.