Performance across the three ToM tasks broken down by Group and Task Demand (ToM vs. Control). Within the Cognitive task, Severe TBI was significantly worse than OI on ToM trials (p = .015) but not on Control trials (p = .168), whereas Mild-Moderate TBI did not differ on either ToM (p = .252) or Control (p = .565) trials. Within the Affective task, Severe TBI was significantly worse than OI on both ToM (p < .001) and Control trials (p < .001), whereas Mild-Moderate TBI was significantly worse than OI only on ToM (p = .015) but not Control trials (p = .219). Within the Conative task, Severe TBI and Mild-Moderate TBI were significantly worse than OI on ToM trials (p < .001 and p = .003) but not on Control trials (p = .229 and p = .193).