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. 2012 Dec 11;121(3):287–294. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1205740

Table 1.

Risk assessment exposure guidance values (with year of derivation), corresponding screening BEs, and NER GMs and 95th percentiles for analytes other than volatile organic compounds.

Analyte (parent compound, if different), NHANES cycle Exposure guidance BE or other biomarker screening value and matrix NER data
Type, data source, yeara Value (mg/kg-day) GM 95th percentile
Acrylamide hemoglobin adducts (acrylamide), 2003–2004 RfD, U.S. EPA 2010 2 × 10–3 190 pmol/g hemoglobinb
Nonsmokers 49.9 89.6
Smokers 109.9 274
Bisphenol A, 2007–2008 RfD, U.S. EPA 1993 0.05 2,000 μg/L urinec 2.08 13
Triclosan, 2007–2008 RfD, U.S. EPA 2008 0.3 6,400 μg/L urined 15.3 494
Pentachlorophenol, 2001–2002 HBM-I, German HBC 1997 25 μg/L urinee < LOD (0.5) 1.94
Phthalates, 2007–2008
Mono-ethylphthalate (diethyl phthalate) RfD, U.S. EPA 1993 0.8 18,000 μg/L urinef 137 1,790
Mono-n-butyl phthalate (dibutyl phthalate) RfD, U.S. EPA 1990 0.1 2,700 μg/L urinef 18.9 110
Mono-benzylphthalate (benzyl butyl phthalate) RfD, U.S. EPA 1993 0.2 3,800 μg/L urinef 10 81.4
Sum of 4 metabolites of DEHP RfD, U.S. EPA 1991 0.02 400 μg/L urineg 96.5 1,019
Mono-carboxyoctylphthalate (di-isononylphthalate) ADI, CPSC 2001 0.12 390 μg/L urineh 6.8 63
Persistent organohalogen compounds, 2003–2004
Hexachlorobenzene MRL, ATSDR 2002 5 × 10–4 47 ng/g serum lipidi 15.2 28.9
DDT + DDE, 2003–2004, by age (years) RfD, U.S. EPA 1996 5 × 10–4 5,000 ng/g serum lipidj
12–19 99k 529
20–39 141k 694
40–59 285k 1,742
≥ 60 565k 3,980
Dioxin TEQ (29 dioxin, furan, and coplanar PCB compounds), 2003–2004, by age (years) RfD, U.S. EPA 2011 7 × 10–10 Variable by age due to accumulation; pg/g serum lipidl < LOD (variable) 37.8
12–19 15 14
20–39 21 18.7
40–59 21 32
≥ 60 21 63.2
Summed PCBs (35 congeners), 2003–2004, by age (years) “Critical concentrations,” ANSES 2010 NA 700 (infants, children, women of childbearing age); 1,800 (other adults); ng/g serum lipidm
12–19 700 54.4 139
20–39 700 79.2 226.5
40–59 1,800 186.4 470.7
≥ 60 1,800 347.3 929.4
PBDE-99 RfD, U.S. EPA 2008 1 × 10–4 520 ng/g serum lipidn < LOD (variable) 42.2
Cadmium, 2003–2004 RfD, U.S. EPA 1994 5 × 10–4 1.5 μg/L urineo
Nonsmokers 0.2 0.9
Smokers 0.3 1.6
Sum, DMA + MMA (arsenic, inorganic), 2009–2010 RfD, U.S. EPA 1993 3 × 10–4 5.8 μg/L urinep 4.7 18.9
Mercury, 2007–2008 NRC benchmark concentration assessment, NRC 2000 NA 5.8 μg/L bloodq 0.77 4.64
Thallium, 2007–2008 HBM-I, German HBC 2011 NA 5 μg/L urinee 0.146 0.4
Current-use pesticides, 2001–2002
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid RfD, U.S. EPA 2011 0.05 2,000 μg/L uriner < LOD (0.2) 1.27
cis-3-(2,2-Dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylic acid (deltamethrin) RfD, U.S. EPA 2010 0.01 (adults) 50 μg/L urines < LOD (0.1) < LOD (0.1)
4-Fluoro-3-phenoxy-benzoic acid (cyfluthrin) RfD, U.S. EPA 2002 0.024 240 μg/L urinet < LOD (0.2) < LOD (0.2)
Abbreviations: ANSES, Agence nationale de securite sanitaire Alimentation Environnement Travail; ATSDR, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; CPSC, Consumer Product Safety Commission; DEHP, di-2(ethylhexylphthalate); HBC, Human Biomonitoring Commission; LOD, limit of detection; MRL, minimal risk level; NA, not applicable; PCB, polychlorinated biphenyl; TEQ, toxic equvalency. GMs and 95th percentiles are reported as point estimates; confidence limits on these estimates are available in the NER. For concentrations < LOD, the LOD is given in parentheses. aAll U.S. EPA exposure guidance values from the Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA 2012a) unless otherwise noted. bDerived based on methods described by Hays and Aylward (2008) with updated U.S. EPA RfD value. cKrishnan et al. (2010a). dKrishnan et al. (2010b). eGerman HBC (2012), derived from occupational biomonitoring data—no exposure guidance value was derived. fAylward et al. (2009a). gAylward et al. (2009b). hADI from CPSC (2001); BE derivation by Hays et al. (2011). iMRL from ATSDR (2012), BE derivation presented by Aylward et al. (2010a). jKirman et al. (2011). kMedians. lBased on U.S. EPA (2012c) RfD for dioxin as based on neonatal thyroid hormone alterations. Serum lipid concentrations associated with chronic intake at the RfD were modeled using the U.S. EPA (2012c) approach. Identification of appropriate BE values for children under 12 years of age would require additional modeling and considerations. Age-specific NER concentration data as reported by Patterson et al. (2009). mCritical concentrations from ANSES (2010). Age-specific NER concentration data as reported by Patterson et al. (2009). nKrishnan et al. (2011). oHays et al. (2008b). pHays et al. (2010; DMA+MMA only due to low detection rates for inorganic arsenic species). qNRC 2000—benchmark concentration in blood divided by uncertainty factor of 10. rRfD updated November 2011 by U.S. EPA (2011). BE based on Aylward and Hays (2008), but reflecting updated RfD, which was increased by a factor of 10 due to removal of the 10-fold uncertainty factor related to database uncertainties. sRfD as described by U.S. EPA (2010); BE derivation presented by Aylward et al. (2011). tRfD as described by U.S. EPA (2002); BE derivation presented by Hays et al. (2009).