Figure 3.
Dominant IgA deposition and abnormal UA in Tg mice. (A) Immunofluorescence staining of kidney sections of WT (left) and Tg (right) mice 6–8 months of age. Distinct IgA, C3, IgM, and IgG deposition were observed in aged Tg mice. Representative data are shown (n = 3). Magnification, ×630. (B) Urine samples were subjected to strip UA. The incidence and severity of proteinuria (n = 10) and hematuria (n = 10) were higher in aged Tg mice (filled symbols) than in WT mice (open symbols). (C) EM analysis of Tg glomeruli, showing mesangial deposition of immunoglobulin. (D and E) WT normal glomerulus (D) (H&E; magnification, ×400) and Tg glomerulus with significant mesangial expansion with acellular eosinophilic material (E) (H&E; magnification, ×400). (F–H) WT normal glomerulus (F) (PAS; magnification, ×400), and Tg glomerulus (G and H) with diffuse (G) and focal (H, right half of glomerulus) deposition of PAS-stainable material in the glomerular matrix. (I and J) WT tubulointerstium with no significant inflammatory cellular infiltrate (I), and Tg tubulointerstium with patchy collections of inflammatory cellular infiltrates (J) (H&E; magnification, ×200). (K) Semiquantitative assessment of the degree and severity of glomerular lesions in WT and Tg mice (n = 4 mice per group).