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. 2013 Mar 25;2013:572784. doi: 10.1155/2013/572784

Table 1.

Some centers of origin of crop domestication and the trait under selection.

Crop Area of origin Traits influenced under domestication Source
 Rice China Reduction in grain shattering and seed dormancy; synchronization of seed maturation; reduction in tiller number; increase in tiller erectness; increase in panicle branches; Number of spikelets per panicle; reduction in hull and pericarp coloration and awn length [10, 22, 23]
 Barley Fertile crescent, and
Israel-Jordan area
Reduction in grain shattering; separation of seeds from hulls [9]
 Wheat Southwest Asia (fertile crescent)
Reduction in shattering of grains (nonbrittle rachis); free-threshing trait [2729]
 Maize Mesoamerica Increased apical dominance; production of seeds in relatively large numbers [7, 8]

 Cabbage Large number of leaves surrounding the terminal bud [30]
 Cauliflower Formation of inflorescence meristems [31]

 Lentil Mesoamerica Seed dormancy [32]
 Vigna Southeast Asia Increase in seed and pod size,
nontwining growth habit, loss of seed dormancy, and seed dispersal ability
 Pea Southwest Asia (fertile crescent) Indehiscent pods; lack of dormancy
dwarfness; less basal branches; large seeds; good seed quality
day neutral flowering

 Cotton Mexico and Peru Fiber length and quality [16, 25]

 Tomato Mesoamerica Fruits' size, shape, and structure [4, 26]
 Potato Andes and Amazonia Shorter stolons, larger tubers, (often) colored and variously shaped tubers, and reduction of bitter tuber glycoalkaloids [34]
 Squash Mesoamerica increased seed length and peduncle diameter,
change in fruit shape and color