FIG. 4.
Results for the PPI analysis. (A) Anatomical maps of the contrast estimates for the alpha-based PPI analysis. Red indicates a positive contrast estimate, blue a negative. The seed region is depicted in green. All the negative effects and the positive effect in the thalamus are significant after cluster-level correction for multiple comparisons (p<0.05), after passing an uncorrected threshold of p=0.01. The positive ventral-medial prefrontal cluster is marginally significant (p=0.054, corrected). (B) Average parameter estimates for high and low alpha conditions for the significant clusters depicted in (A). *A significant difference from zero (p<0.001). Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean. (C) A graphical representation of the design matrix used in the PPI analysis for a typical subject. The contents of the regressors are indicated on the right. For display purposes, the individual regressors are scaled such that the minimum is black and the maximum full white.