Please give us a quick overview of your research.
As a researcher you use and produce data. What kinds of data do you work with? How do you store your data during your research projects? Do you have needs for long-term preservation of the data you produce, and if so, how do you meet them? How is your data organized or described? Are there formal, set organization schemes [for data management] or do people create their own?
We are now going to ask you some questions about collaborative research, which we define as multiple researchers (from the same or different disciplines) working together within a single research project. Are you ever involved in collaborative research? (If no, skip to 5) If yes: what challenges do you confront when working collaboratively (with colleagues at Minnesota or at other institutions)?
Do you have trouble locating other scientists to collaborate with? Potential follow-up: how do you discover collaborators outside of your discipline?
Do you have any experience sharing research findings outside the avenues of traditional journals or conference presentations? For instance, do you post articles on a personal website or in an institutional repository; have you posted a video to YouTube or have you shared research findings on a science blog, Facebook, or Twitter? Do you share preprints?
What aspects of finding and using information do you find to be most difficult?
Finding and retrieving articles
Managing your library of electronic articles
Creating bibliographies
Staying current
Do you feel well informed about the resources that the libraries offer?