Immunoprecipitation analysis using mature and precursor forms of Dsg1.
(A) Recombinant precursor (preDsg1) and mature Dsg1 (matDsg1) proteins were used. (B) Western blotting of preDsg1 and matDsg1. The bands detected by anti-E tag Abs show the molecular weight differences between preDsg1 and matDsg1, the latter of which has a slightly lower molecular weight. Expression levels of preDsg1 and matDsg1 are approximately same in CHO cell culture supernatant. (C) Representative results of immunoprecipitation for sera from each group. THR and THC sera showed preferential binding to preDsg1, while TPF and JPF sera reacted with both preDsg1 and matDsg1, or preferentially with matDsg1. (D) The average of Dsg1 titer after furin-treated ELISA. THR and THC sera decreased to 23.9% after furin treatment. (E) Representative results of immunoprecipitation using preDsg1 before and after EDTA treatment. EDTA treatment abolished the binding activity to preDsg1.