Cutaneous proinflammatory innate immune responses induced ex vivo following signaling through the P2X7R. (A) Bar graphs demonstrate the relative fold change in mRNA expression of CXCL10, TNFR1, S100A7, CCL20, TNF-α, VEGF, NOS2, and TRAIL 24 and 72 h following cutaneous injections with 350 µM of BzATP ± 1 µM KN-62 normalized to 24 h PBS injected controls (No Tx). (B) Examination of VEGF, S100A7, and NOS2 mRNA fold-change, normalized to PBS control (No Tx), 72 h following treatment with BzATP ± IL-1β and IL-6Rα antibodies. Fold-change was determined using the relative qRT-PCR 2−ΔΔCt method. Data expressed as mean ± SD of triplicates. Asterisk indicates a significant difference compared to no Tx for each time point, unless otherwise indicated, p < 0.05. Representative of three independent experiments.