A. Untransfected monocytes and monocytes transfected with control siRNA were generated as described in the Materials and Methods, and subjected to time-lapse video analysis on TNF-activated endothelium in the presence of DMSO or GM6001. Representative data from 2 independent experiments are expressed as means ± SEM, **p <0.0005 (unpaired t test with Welch correction; n=19, 37, and 27 monocytes for untransfected, DMSO, and GM6001, respectively). B. Duration of monocyte diapedesis was determined for monocytes transfected with control, ADAM10 or ADAM17 siRNA. Means ± SD from 3 different experiments are shown, *p <0.01 (paired t test). All monocyte preparations show compatible viability (>95% as determined by trypan blue exclusion).