Twelve-month old male GAA-KO mice were injected intravenously with AAV-SPhGAApA (n=5, except for the last interval n=4) or PBS (n=3). A single AAV vector-treated mouse died in the sixth month of the study of an undetermined cause, at 18 months old when GAA-KO mice are reaching the end of their lifespan [35]. Mean +/− s.d shown, and significant differences indicated (*) based upon P < 0.05 calculated with an unpaired T-test with Welch's correction (A) Rotarod testing. The change in Rotarod time was calculated for each mouse during the indicated time intervals. (B) Weight. The change is weight was calculated for each mouse during the indicated time intervals. Each line represents an individual mouse. (C) Urinary biomarker, [Glc4], was analyzed for each mouse (n=4 in each group).