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. 2012 Aug 16;16(9):1656–1666. doi: 10.1017/S1368980012003795

Table 2.

Associations of maternal and paternal adiposity (sum of skinfolds) with offspring adiposity and cardiovascular risk factors, the Mysore Parthenon study

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Children's adiposity and cardiovascular risk factors β 95 % CI β 95 % CI β 95 % CI β 95 % CI β 95 % CI P
Maternal SS
BMI (kg/m2) 0·52*** 0·36, 0·68 0·49*** 0·32, 0·65 0·36*** 0·20, 0·53 0·50*** 0·33, 0·68 0·3
SS (mm)§ 0·10*** 0·07, 0·13 0·09*** 0·06, 0·11 0·07*** 0·04, 0·10 0·09*** 0·06, 0·12 0·6
Fat % 1·65*** 1·09, 2·22 1·35*** 0·83, 1·87 1·28*** 0·73, 1·82 1·37*** 0·82, 1·91 0·02
WC (cm) 1·35*** 0·88, 1·83 1·20*** 0·71, 1·69 0·81** 0·31, 1·31 1·23*** 0·72, 1·75 0·9
Glucose0 (mmol/l) −0·02 −0·05, 0·02 −0·02 −0·05, 0·02 −0·03 −0·06, 0·01 −0·01 −0·05, 0·03 −0·03 −0·07, 0·01 0·045
Glucose120 (mmol/l) −0·03 −0·11, 0·05 −0·03 −0·12, 0·05 −0·05 −0·15, 0·04 −0·05 −0·14, 0·03 −0·07 −0·16, 0·02 0·054
Insulin0 (pmol/l)§ 0·08** 0·03, 0·13 0·06* 0·01, 0·11 0·04 −0·02, 0·10 0·06* 0·01, 0·12 0·02 −0·04, 0·07 0·4
HOMA-IR§ 0·08** 0·02, 0·13 0·06* 0·002, 0·11 0·04 −0·02, 0·09 0·06* 0·005, 0·12 0·01 −0·05, 0·06 0·3
TAG (mmol/l)§ −0·04* −0·07, −0·004 −0·04* −0·07, −0·01 −0·03 −0·07, 0·002 −0·05* −0·08, −0·01 −0·05** −0·09, −0·02 0·3
HDL-C (mmol/l) 0·003 −0·02, 0·02 0·004 −0·02, 0·02 0·004 −0·02, 0·03 0·003 −0·02, 0·02 0·007 −0·01, 0·03 0·7
LDL-C (mmol/l) −0·005 −0·05, 0·04 −0·007 −0·06, 0·04 −0·001 −0·05, 0·05 −0·004 −0·06, 0·05 −0·02 −0·07, 0·03 0·2
SBP (mmHg) 0·53 −0·23, 1·28 0·67 −0·11, 1·46 0·46 −0·39, 1·31 0·65 −0·17, 1·47 −0·27 −1·02, 0·49 0·9
Paternal SS
BMI (kg/m2) 0·38*** 0·22, 0·54 0·30** 0·13, 0·47 0·23** 0·06, 0·40
SS (mm)§ 0·08*** 0·05, 0·11 0·07*** 0·04, 0·10 0·06*** 0·03, 0·08
Fat % 0·74* 0·15, 1·34 0·52 −0·02, 1·06 0·28 −0·26, 0·83
WC (cm) 1·26*** 0·78, 1·73 1·00*** 0·46, 1·45 0·81** 0·30, 1·31
Glucose0 (mmol/l) 0·03 −0·01, 0·06 0·03 −0·01, 0·07 0·04 −0·003, 0·08 0·02 −0·02, 0·06
Glucose120 (mmol/l) 0·08 −0·01, 0·16 0·07 −0·02, 0·16 0·08 −0·01, 0·18 0·06 −0·03, 0·15
Insulin0 (pmol/l)§ 0·09** 0·04, 0·15 0·08** 0·03, 0·14 0·08** 0·02, 0·13 0·05 −0·002, 0·11
HOMA-IR§ 0·10** 0·04, 0·15 0·09** 0·03, 0·15 0· 08** 0·02, 0·14 0·06 −0·0005, 0·12
TAG (mmol/l)§ −0·02 −0·05, 0·02 −0·01 −0·05, 0·02 −0·01 −0·04, 0·03 −0·02 −0·05, 0·02
HDL-C (mmol/l) −0·001 −0·02, 0·02 −0·002 −0·02, 0·02 −0·003 −0·02, 0·02 −0·0002 −0·02, 0·02
LDL-C (mmol/l) −0·05 −0·10, 0·001 −0·06* −0·11, −0·003 −0·06* −0·11, −0·001 −0·06* −0·11, −0·01
SBP (mmHg) 0·46 −0·33, 1·25 0·49 −0·34, 1·33 0·41 −0·44, 1·26 −0·24 −1·04, 0·56

SS, sum of skinfolds; fat %, body fat percentage; WC, waist circumference; glucose0, fasting glucose concentration; glucose120, 120 min post-load glucose concentration; insulin0, fasting insulin concentration; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment–insulin resistance; HDL-C, HDL-cholesterol; LDL-C, LDL-cholesterol; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SES, socio-economic status.

*P < 0·05; **P < 0·01; ***P < 0·001.

β is the effect size derived using maternal or paternal SS as a continuous variable (standardized) in multiple linear regression analysis. For logged variables, the effect size indicates the percentage change in the outcome per unit change in the predictor. Model 1: unadjusted; model 2: adjusted for the child's sex, age, breast-feeding duration, and maternal age, parity and SES; model 3: model 2+maternal and paternal SS mutually adjusted; model 4: model 2+maternal glucose area under the curve at pregnancy; model 5: model 2+the child's SS at 9·5 years.

P value for difference between maternal and paternal effects derived using the Z test (model 3).

§Logged variables.