Figure 1. Activity of the PICK1 BAR domain is inhibited by the N-terminal PDZ domain and the PDZ-BAR linker sequence.
A) COS-7 cells were transiently transfected with indicated myc-tagged PICK1 constructs, immunostained and analysed by confocal microscopy. The diagrams on the left indicate the N-terminal truncations. Left picture panel: representative cells expressing from top mycPICK1, mycPICK1 Δ1–101 or mycPICK1 Δ1–135; middle picture panel: representative cells expressing mycPICK1 Δ1–101 3KE or mycPICK1 Δ1–135 3KE and right picture panel: representative cells expressing mycPICK1 Δ1–101 2KE or mycPICK1 Δ1–135 2KE. The 3KE and 2KE refer to charge-reversing mutations in the BAR domain (3KE, K251E, K252E and K257E) and (2KE, K266E and K268E). Models of the predicted effects of these mutations on the surface charge of the concave side of the PICK1 BAR domain are shown below the pictures (blue, positive and red, negative). B) Four different cells expressing mycPICK1 Δ1–135 and covering the range of phenotypes observed. All white bars = 10 μm. The data shown are representative of more than five similar experiments.