Table 1. Inhibition of NOX2 by AANO2 in an in vivo model of inflammation.
Mice were treated with i/p thioglycolate and subcutaneous injected with AANO2 and peritoneal macrophages were obtained at day 4 as explained in the experimental section. The formation of O2·− derived-H2O2 in PMA activated-macrophages was evaluated by Amplex Red as previously. DPI addition was performed to isolated macrophages 30 min before PMA addition. Data shown correspond to the mean ± SD, n=4 representative of at least 3 independent experiments.
Condition | NOX2 activity (%) |
Vehicle treated mice | 25.9 ± 12.8 |
AANO2 treated mice | 5.7 ± 3.9a |
Vehicle mice + PMA | 100 ± 22.6 |
AANO2 mice + PMA | 21.7 ± 10.3b |
Vehicle mice + PMA + DPI | 27.1 ± 6.4b |
AANO2 mice + PMA + DPI | 5.9 ± 1.9b |
indicates statistical difference compared to the Vehicle treated mice, p < 0.05.
indicates statistical difference compared to the Vehicle mice +PMA, p< 0.05.