Figure 7.
(A) Light micrographs of the 300 μm-motion pin in a bone-implant-gap interface (BIGI) for 7 days (group 3). Survey analysis revealed less newly formed bone and a broader region of granulation tissue along the high strain regions of the implant. (B) For pin-shaped implant moving 300 μm in the BIGI (with E = 6.56 MPa, i.e., day 2 properties), a larger local bone-implant distance was found for motion than for stable case (group 1) (bars show 95% confidence intervals). (C, D) Finite element predictions of interfacial principal compressive (C) and tensile (D) strains. Compared with the strain fields in Fig 7, this case shows larger strain magnitudes everywhere in the interface, e.g., the largest magnitudes of about 60% at the circumferential ridges and base of the implant,