Figure 9.
Using the composite DPMaps (A) and extracted orbits constructed from the two variables (pressure and diameter), a spatio-temporal map of the steady states of the orbits (linear segments and quiescent orbits) was constructed (B). In (B) each of the 12 possible mechanical states are mapped in different colors. The map portrays the periods of quiescence either when the intestine remains passively dilated (light green) or passively occluded (dark green). Red, orange, and yellow areas represent active contractions and mark the propagating area of contraction during neural peristalsis. Active relaxation (aqua and light blue) precedes both in time and space the propagating contraction. The regular myogenic activity in this example consists in isometric contractions and isometric relaxations. The last map (C) represents a simplification of the full composite map of states by clustering all areas undergoing active contraction (red) and, active relaxation (blue). All other passive states are in black. The spatio-temporal nature of active contractions and relaxations during neurogenic activity and myogenic activity is made very distinct.