PelF activity as measured by UDP-glucose consumption. The residual UDP-glucose after reaction completion was determined. PelF+IM, PelF and 5 μl IM fraction (containing 4 mg/ml total protein); no PeLF+IM, partially purified suspension without PelF and 5 μl (containing 4 mg/ml total protein) inner membrane fraction; PelF+C, PelF and 5 μl soluble fraction (containing 4 mg/ml total protein); no PeLF+C, partially purified suspension without PelF and 5 μl soluble fraction (containing 4 mg/ml total protein); PelF+Ret, PelF and 5 μl retentate of soluble fraction (containing 4 mg/ml total protein) filtered; no PeLF+Ret, partially purified suspension without PelF and 5 μl retentate of soluble fraction (containing 4 mg/ml total protein); PelF+Filt, PelF and 5 μl filtrate of soluble fraction (containing 1 mg/ml total protein); no PeLF+Filt, partially purified suspension without PelF and 5 μl filtrate of soluble fraction (containing 1 mg/ml total protein). All experiments were conducted in triplicate, and mean values are presented. Standard deviations are shown as error bars.