(A) Conformational changes of AmyK and the fusion enzymes were verified using circular dichroism (CD). The inset shows the far UV-CD spectrum of peptide 1. AmyK: the average length of helices, 5.986 Å; the average length of strands, 6.980 Å. AmyK-p1: the average length of helices, 8.503 Å; the average length of strands, 4.516 Å. AmyK-p2: the average length of helices, 9.226 Å; the average length of strands, 4.811 Å. AmyK-p3: the average length of helices, 9.196 Å; the average length of strands, 4.382 Å. AmyK-p4: the average length of helices, 8.530 Å; the average length of strands, 4.386 Å. AmyK-p5: the average length of helices, 3.897 Å; the average length of strands, 6.189 Å. AmyK-p6: the average length of helices, 4.396 Å; the average length of strands, 5.700 Å.