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. 2013 Jan 31;346:f264. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f264

Table 1.

Characteristics of physicians and prescriptions by categorization of school and class of medication. Values are percentages (numbers) unless stated otherwise

Characteristics Stimulant (lisdexamfetamine) Antipsychotic (paliperidone) Antidepressant (desvenlafaxine)
Policy before 2004 Matched controls Policy before 2004 Matched controls Policy before 2004 Matched controls
Early cohort Later cohort/exposed to policy Early cohort Later cohort Early cohort Later cohort/exposed to policy Early cohort Later cohort Early cohort Later cohort/exposed to policy Early cohort Later cohort
Mean graduation year 1998.2 2003.5 1998.1 2003.5 1998.3 2003.5 1998.2 2003.4 1998.0 2003.5 1998.1 2003.4
No of physicians 736 539 706 468 505 344 207 116 1485 1124 1381 991
Specialty of physicians:
General medicine 45.7 (336) 38.4 (207) 47.6 (336) 44.9 (210) 55.8 (282) 45.6 (157) 58.0 (120) 44.8 (52) 50.2 (745) 51.4 (578) 54.0 (746) 56.3 (558)
Pediatrics 23.2 (171) 18.9 (102) 23.4 (165) 20.5 (96) 13.3 (67) 8.4 (29) 5.8 (12) 4.3 (5) 9.2 (136) 7.4 (83) 9.8 (135) 8.8 (87)
Psychiatry 10.3 (76) 21.0 (113) 9.6 (68) 16.0 (75) 15.0 (76) 32.6 (112) 23.7 (49) 36.2 (42) 6.3 (93) 12.8 (144) 6.3 (87) 13.4 (133)
Other 20.8 (153) 21.7 (117) 19.4 (137) 18.6 (87) 15.9 (80) 13.4 (46) 12.5 (26) 14.7 (17) 34.6 (511) 28.7 (319) 29.9 (413) 21.5 (213)
No of prescriptions 45 881 18 437 43 681 23 343 25 514 12 021 35 401 9484 25 514 12 021 35 401 9484
Payment method for prescriptions:
Third party 71.9 (32 972) 72.1 (13 291) 81.4 (33 546) 77.7 (18 127) 67.3 (17 160) 63.6 (7649) 66.8 (23 655) 76.2 (7229) 67.3 (17 160) 63.6 (7649) 66.8 (23 655) 76.2 (7299)
Medicaid 23.0 (10 546) 16.9 (3118) 13.5 (7891) 16.7 (3902) 28.6 (7289) 30.3 (3642) 29.5 (10 451) 19.7 (1864) 28.6 (7289) 30.3 (3642) 29.5 (10 451) 19.7 (1864)
Cash 5.2 (2363) 11.0 (2028) 5.1 (2244) 5.6 (1314) 4.2 (1065) 6.1 (730) 3.7 (1295) 4.1 (391) 4.2 (1065) 6.1 (730) 3.7 (1295) 4.1 (391)