Inhibition of GABAB IPSCs by opioids and 5-CT from identified BLA- and
NAc-projecting neurons. A–C,
Normalized summary data and typical recordings of GABAB IPSCs
illustrating the effects of U69593 (200 nm;
A), ME (3 μm;
B), and 5-CT (100 nm;
C) on BLA- (○) and NAc- (•)
projecting VTA neurons (n = 6–8). Illustrated
GABAB IPSCs are the averages of two to four traces before and during
drug application. IPSCs were evoked with monopolar glass electrodes by a train of
five pulses (duration, 0.5 ms; 40 Hz) every 60 s. The calibration in the middle
panel of C applies to all traces from NAc-projecting
cells; the calibration in the right panel of C
applies to all traces from BLA-projecting cells. Error bars indicate SEM. *
signifies significance at p < 0.05. NLX, Naloxone.