Figure 7. Knockdown of c-Myc protects JNK2−/−, but not JNK1−/− cells from MG-132-induced apoptosis without affecting expression of Noxa and Bim.
(A, D) Western blots showing the status of the indicated proteins in JNK2−/− and JNK1−/− cells that were either left untreated or exposed for the indicated times to MG-132 72 hours post transfection with the indicated siRNAs. One representative experiment out of four and three is shown, respectively. (B, E) Fluorometric determination of caspase-3 (DEVDase) activities in JNK2−/− and JNK1−/− cells treated as described in A and D, respectively. Please note that DEVDase activities of JNK2−/− and JNK1−/− cells were analyzed at different time points (8 h and 16 h) according to their sensitivities. Values are the mean of three independent experiments +/− SD, respectively. (C, F) Cytometric determination of cell death (propidium iodide uptake) in JNK2−/− and JNK1−/− cells treated as described in A and D. Values are the mean of three independent experiments +/− SD. * p<0.05 according to ANOVA on ranks Student-Newman-Keuls-Method (B) or *** p<0.003 according to ANOVA Tukey′s test (C) in an all pairwise multiple comparison as indicated.