Figure 1. Preparation of NM1 knock-out cassette.
(A) WT genomic locus of Myo1c gene. Short homology arm (SA), floxed part (FP), and long homology arm (LA) of appropriate length (0.9; 0.3; 1.7 kb respectively), were cloned to pEasyFlox vector carrying neomycin (NeoR) and thymidine kinase (ThK) selection genes (B). Black lines represent genomic sequences; red line represents sequences derived from pEasyFlox vector. (B). (C) Genomic loci of Myo1c gene with excision of exon -1; P1 – P6 represent different primers needed for genotyping of ES cells and knock-out mice, yellow triangles represent loxP recombination sites. (D) Genotyping of NM1 knock-out mice by PCR. P5 and P6 primers were used to distinguish between wild type (+/+), heterozygous (+/−) and knock-out (−/−) animals. (E) Western blot analysis of NM1 levels in NM1 wild type (+/+) and knock-out (−/−) mice. Fifteen micrograms of protein per lane was loaded, and probed for NM1. Equal loading was monitored by Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining of the band corresponding to actin.