Figure 4. Crb and Sdt are required in neighboring R cells for ZA formation.
46h APF pupae. (A-D, A’-D’) ZA with one flanking cell homozygous. (E-H, E’-H’) ZA with both flanking cells homozygous. (I-L, I’-L’) ZA with one flanking cell homozygous, in a two-cell clone. (A, A’ E, E’, I, I’) Control cells labeled with anti-Armadillo, red. (B, B’, F, F’, J, J’) crb11a22 cells labeled with anti-Armadillo, red. (C, C’, G, G’, K, K’) crb11a22 cells labeled with anti-Bazooka, red. (D, D’, H, H’, L, L’) sdtxp96 cells labeled with anti-Armadillo, red. Apical regions (mAb24B10), blue. Clones (mCD8GFP), green. Yellow arrowhead demarks a ZA with one mutant cell neighbor. White arrowheads denote ZA with two mutant neighbors. Scale bar, 5um.