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. 2013 Jan 25;152(2):251–257. doi: 10.1007/s12011-013-9606-y

Table 1.

Effects of increasing concentrations of Li in nutrient solution on l-ascorbic acid contents, percentage of water and IT of lettuce roots exposed to LiCl or LiOH

Li in nutrient solution l-Ascorbic acid (mg 100 g−1 FW) Water content (%) IT of roots (%)
Form Concentration (mg dm−3) Shoots Roots
Control 0 26.71 ± 1.74 (ns) 94.1 ± 0.58 a 95.5 ± 1.86 a 100.0 ± 0.00 c
LiCl 2.5 28.11 ± 1.55 93.1 ± 1.07 ab 95.2 ± 1.74 ab 113.8 ± 7.30 a
20 28.79 ± 1.16 91.8 ± 0.73 b 95.7 ± 1.45 a 111.4 ± 8.96 ab
50 26.98 ± 1.07 88.3 ± 2.22 c 92.9 ± 2.98 bc 98.4 ± 5.20 c
100 24.14 ± 0.49 80.4 ± 1.58 d 92.5 ± 2.36 cd 63.9 ± 4.67 e
LiOH 2.5 26.15 ± 3.94 92.1 ± 0.94 ab 94.6 ± 1.26 abc 105.5 ± 7.68 abc
20 25.75 ± 2.73 91.8 ± 1.37 ab 95.1 ± 1.47 ab 107.9 ± 11.52 abc
50 30.25 ± 3.02 86.2 ± 2.07 c 94.3 ± 2.08 abc 102.8 ± 7.25 bc
100 23.25 ± 0.04 80.9 ± 4.46 d 90.0 ± 3.44 d 78.6 ± 2.62 d

The mean values in each column marked with the same letters are not significantly different at p < 0.05, ns not significant