Fig 11.
Remodeling of cellular membranes by the EBV and KSHV NEC. Sf21 cells were infected with the baculovirus expressing the EBV BFRF1 or coinfected with baculoviruses expressing the EBV and KSHV NEC proteins. Infected cells were processed for electron microscopy 72 h after infection. ORF69 was able to remodel nuclear membrane proliferations induced by either BFRF1 or ORF67; however, EBV BFLF2 did not display the same activity. Bars, all 400 nm, except for that in the ORF67+ORF69 panel, which is 200 nm. The nucleus (n) and cytoplasm (c) are indicated. The bottom right panel shows the results of Western blot analysis of Sf21 cells infected with combinations of the KSHV and EBV NEC-expressing viruses. The blot was probed with anti-V5 antibody. Protein standards (kDa) are shown in lane M.