Fig 5.
PTP61FΔ mutant flies have reduced female fecundity due to increased apoptosis in developing egg chambers. (A) Fecundity assays were performed using single-pair matings of females of the indicated genotype. Fecundity assays separated by dashed lines were performed independently of each other. PTP61FΔ females have significantly decreased fecundity compared to w1118 female controls (P = 9 × 10−5). When overexpressed together using arm-Gal4, PTP61Fm and PTP61Fn (arm>PTP61Fm+n) significantly rescued the fecundity defect of the PTP61FΔ mutant. PTP61Fm+n restored fecundity to a level not significantly different from that of control PTP61FΔ heterozygotes overexpressing PTP61Fm+n (P = 0.07). Overexpression of PTP61Fm or PTP61Fn individually in the PTP61FΔ mutant background resulted in only a partial rescue of fecundity, which was statistically different from what was observed in controls overexpressing the PTPs in the heterozygote background. Results are means ± standard errors of the means (SEM) for n = 8 to 10. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. (B) Ovaries from w1118 and PTP61FΔ females were visualized under bright field and also immunostained with anti-vasa antibodies to identify germ line cells in the ovary. Ovaries from PTP61FΔ mutant females lack later-stage egg chambers (post-stage 10) compared to controls. Results shown are representative of 3 experiments. (C) TUNEL staining of egg chambers (magnification, ×100) from PTP61FΔ homozygous and heterozygous female ovaries demonstrated that in the PTP61FΔ mutants there was an approximate 8-fold increase in the number of apoptotic pre-stage 10 egg chambers compared to PTP61FΔ heterozygotes. Results are means ± SEM for n = 8. **, P < 0.01.