Fig 1.
Western blot analysis of spore coat mutants. Spores of wild-type 630Δerm and spore coat mutants were purified, and spore coat proteins were extracted and fractionated on 12% SDS-PAGE gels (A to F). For cotE, two mutants are shown, as cotEC− (cotE::CT1203s mutant) and cotEN− (cotE::CT220s mutant), representing insertions at the carboxy and amino termini, respectively. Gels were transferred to membranes and probed with polyclonal antibodies to each of the recombinant proteins shown. For CotE, antibodies to the amino terminus (CotEN) were used. In panel C, the two bands that are recognized by CotCB antibodies are shown, with the upper band corresponding to CotCB and the lower to CotD, which is cross-reactive; the unlabeled arrow indicates a high-molecular-mass potential multimer.