Table 1.
C. difficile spore coat genes and mutations
Gene | Locus taga | Encoded protein (mass [kDa])b | Mutant allelec | Retargeted sequenced |
cotA | CD1613 | Coat protein (34) | cotA::CT555a | TCTACGTTTGCTAATGGAGTAGATGCAGCA<intron>AGTATAAAATCAATT |
cotB | CD1511 | Coat protein (35) | cotB::CT329a | CTAAATCTTGACCAACTTGTGGGTTTACAC<intron>CACTTTGTAGATTTA |
cotCB | CD0598 | Coat protein, manganese catalase (21) | cotCB::CT220s | GAGGAAATGGCTCATGTTGAGATAATTTCT<intron> TCAGTGTTATATCAA |
cotD | CD2401 | Coat protein, manganese catalase (21) | cotD::CT302s | CAGGTCTTGGTTCAAACTATGCTCAAAATG<intron>GATATGGAATTTATC |
cotE | CD1433 | Coat protein, peroxiredoxin-chitinase (81) | cotE::CT220s | AAAAAAAGAAATACAGAACTAATTGGTCTA<intron>AGTGTTGATAGTAAC |
cotF | CD0597 | Coat protein (11) | NDe | ND |
cotG | CD1567 | Coat protein, manganese catalase (27) | ND | ND |
sodA | CD1631 | Coat protein, superoxide dismutase (28) | sodA::CT394s | TTTCAAAAGAACCAAAGTCTCTATCAATAG<intron>CTTCTTTTAAAGATT |
As described in reference 16. Map positions are shown in Fig. S6 in the supplemental material.
Function where known; predicted mass of full-length protein in parentheses.
The mutant allele is shown, with “CT” designating ClosTron insertion, the number showing the base pairs within the ORF immediately preceding the ClosTron insertion, and either “a,” indicating insertion in the antisense strand, or “s,” in the sense strand.
The 45-bp targeting sequence produced using the aligorithm at and used for mutant construction. The intron insertion site within the 45-mer target sequence is shown.
ND, not done.