Reversibility of rotation in tethered cells. (a and b) Histograms of the rotational speed at 23°C. The speeds of the motors rotating in the CCW and CW directions were taken as positive (blue) and negative (red), respectively. For motors in the fluctuation state, the speeds in CCW (pale blue) and CW (pale red) directions were analyzed separately (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material) and plotted. Pressure was increased from 0.1 to 140 MPa in stages (a) and then decreased to 0.1 MPa (b). Data for the motors that were in the stop state were excluded from the histograms in panel a. (c) Reversibility of the rotational speed. The speed after the release of pressure was plotted against the initial speed at 0.1 MPa (mean ± SD; 5 [dark blue], 10 [light blue], 15 [green], 20 [orange], and 23°C [red]).