Figure 6.
Effect of regular exercise and/or S-D on the levels of P- and total-CREB in the hippocampal CA1 area after L-LTP expressed as ratio of septal side to temporal side. (A) MHFS stimulation of the Schaffer collaterals synapses in the hippocampus caused a significant increase in the levels of P-CREB in the CA1 of all stimulated groups except the S-sleep-deprived animals. (B) The levels of CREB in all stimulated groups were significantly increased compared to the un-stimulated control group. (C) The ratio of P/T-CREB was significantly reduced in sleep-deprived rats. In order to reduce individual variations, the temporal side of the same hippocampus was used as an “internal control.” Protein levels in the septal side were normalized as a percentage of those of the temporal side. *Significant difference from all other stimulated groups (P < 0.05-0.01, n = 6-8 rats/group). Insets are bands from representative blots.