A, samples of EPSCs evoked by a pair of electrical pulses recorded from a neuron of neuropathic rats before (baseline), during and after washout of d-AP5 (25 μm). Bar graphs (right) show the mean (+SEM) amplitudes and P2/P1 ratios before, during, and after washout of d-AP5. Bath application of d-AP5 significantly and reversibly reduced the first peak amplitudes but increased the P2/P1 ratio. B, samples of variability of 10 evoked EPSCs collected from a neuron of neuropathic rats before (left) and during perfusion of d-AP5 (25 μm) are shown. The mean (+SEM) CV−2 values before and during perfusion of d-AP5 are shown in bar graphs (right). d-AP5 significantly increased the variability of evoked EPSCs. C, samples of EPSCs evoked by a pair of electrical pulses recorded from a neuron of sham-operated rats before (baseline) and during perfusion of d-AP5 (25 μm). Bar graphs (right) show the mean (+SEM) amplitudes and P2/P1 ratios before and during perfusion of d-AP5. Bath application of d-AP5 did not alter the first peak amplitudes or the P2/P1 ratio. ***P < 0.001; NS, no statistical significance.