Fig. 2.
Neuronatin expression profile and silencing in murine primary adipocytes. A: schematic representation of the two neuronatin isoforms and the position of the primers used for their amplification. B: RNA isolated from muscle tissue (M) and primary white adipocyte culture (A) was reverse transcribed and expression of each detected by PCR. Only the longer (α) isoform (∼200 bp) was detectable. Analysis of neuronatin mRNA levels by qPCR (C) and protein levels by Western blot (D) in brown adipocyte precursors (BA) and white adipocyte precursors (iWA) with or without noreipnephrine/rosiglitazone (NE/Rosi) stimulation. Where indicated, cells had been transfected with the siRNA pool targeting neuronatin. Values in qPCR analysis represent means ± SE of 5 independent experiments. Expression levels in untreated adipocyte cultures were set in each experiment to 1.0 and other values expressed relative to this.