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. 2012 Sep 19;1(2):e6. doi: 10.2196/ijmr.2131

Table 2.

Training population descriptive statistics.

General characteristics Colon resections without C-Diff
(n = 111,368)
Colon resections with C-Diff
(n = 1829)
P Total
(N = 113,197)
Average length of stay (days) 10.5 23.6 <.001 10.8
In-hospital mortality, n (%) 5432 (4.9) 336 (18.4) <.001 5768 (5.1)
Mean age (years) 62.9 68.3 <.001 63.0
Sex, n (%)
Female 59,520 (53.4) 1007 (55.1) .19 60,527 (53.5)
Male 51,848 (46.6) 822 (44.9) .19 52,670 (46.5)
Disposition (DISPUNIFORM), n (%)
1 = Routine 69,339 (62.3) 409 (22.4) 69,748 (61.6)
2 or 5 = Other facility 17,787 (16.0) 710 (38.8) 18,497 (16.3)
6 = Home health 18,616 (16.7) 373 (20.4) 18,989 (16.8)
20 = Died in hospital 5464 (4.9) 336 (18.4) 5800 (5.1)
Other 162 (0.1) 1 (0.1) 163 (0.1)
Disease stage a (DS_Stage1), n (%)
0 59 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 59 (0.1)
1 38,973 (35.0) 438 (23.9) 39,411 (34.8)
2 49,452 (44.4) 647 (35.4) 50,099 (44.3)
3 22,884 (20.5) 744 (40.7) 23,628 (20.9)
Mean 1.9 2.2 <.001 1.9
Admission source, n (%)
1 = Emergency department 34,555 (31.0) 922 (50.4) 35,477 (31.3)
2 = Another hospital 1968 (1.8) 96 (5.2) 2064 (1.8)
3 = Another facility including long-term care 936 (0.8) 61 (3.3) 997 (0.9)
4 = Court/law enforcement 35 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 35 (0.0)
5 = Routine/birth/other 73,372 (65.9) 738 (40.3) 74,110 (65.5)
Unknown 502 (0.5) 12 (0.7) 514 (0.5)
Comorbidities, n (%)
CM_AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) 93 (0.1) 3 (0.2) .24 96 (0.1)
CM_ALCOHOL (Alcohol abuse) 2163 (1.9) 51 (2.8) .009 2214 (2.0)
CM_ANEMDEF (Deficiency anemias) 16,846 (15.1) 348 (19.0) <.001 17,194 (15.2)
CM_ARTH (Rheumatoid arthritis/collagen vascular diseases) 2038 (1.8) 47 (2.6) .02 2085 (1.8)
CM_BLDLOSS (Chronic blood loss anemia) 5197 (4.7) 97 (5.3) .20 5294 (4.7)
CM_CHF (Congestive heart failure 9490 (8.5) 364 (19.9) <.001 9854 (8.7)
CM_CHRNLUNG (Chronic pulmonary disease) 18,120 (16.3) 476 (26.0) <.001 18,596 (16.4)
CM_COAG (Coagulopathy) 3825 (3.4) 212 (11.6) <.001 4037 (3.6)
CM_DEPRESS (Depression) 5482 (4.9) 105 (5.7) .11 5587 (4.9)
CM_DM (Diabetes, uncomplicated) 14,787 (13.3) 224 (12.2) .20 15,011 (13.3)
CM_DMCX (Diabetes with chronic complications) 1479 (1.3) 50 (2.7) <.001 1529 (1.4)
CM_DRUG (Drug abuse) 866 (0.8) 11 (0.6) .39 877 (0.8)
CM_HTN_C (Hypertension combine uncomplicated and complicated) 48,181 (43.3) 738 (40.3) .01 48,919 (43.2)
CM_HYPOTHY (Hypothyroidism) 8384 (7.5) 116 (6.3) .06 8500 (7.5)
CM_LIVER (Liver disease) 1733 (1.6) 39 (2.1) .048 1772 (1.6)
CM_LYMPH (Lymphoma) 666 (0.6) 20 (1.1) .007 686 (0.6)
CM_LYTES (Fluid and electrolyte disorders) 25,651 (23.0) 881 (48.2) <.001 26,532 (23.4)
CM_METS (Metastatic cancer) 16,488 (14.8) 178 (9.7) <.001 16,666 (14.7)
CM_NEURO (Other neurological disorders) 3849 (3.5) 125 (6.8) <.001 3974 (3.5)
CM_OBESE (Obesity) 5940 (5.3) 53 (2.9) <.001 5993 (5.3)
CM_PARA (Paralysis) 1085 (1.0) 37 (2.0) <.001 1122 (1.0)
CM_PERIVASC (Peripheral vascular disorders) 3894 (3.5) 103 (5.6) <.001 3997 (3.5)
CM_PSYCH (Psychoses) 1841 (1.7) 46 (2.5) .004 1887 (1.7)
CM_PULMCIRC (Pulmonary circulation disorders) 684 (0.6) 22 (1.2) .002 706 (0.6)
CM_RENLFAIL (Renal failure) 5042 (4.5) 230 (12.6) <.001 5272 (4.7)
CM_TUMOR (Solid tumor without metastasis) 2983 (2.7) 62 (3.4) .06 3045 (2.7)
CM_ULCER (Peptic ulcer disease excluding bleeding) 61 (0.1) 1 (0.1) .99 62 (0.1)
CM_VALVE (Valvular disease) 5444 (4.9) 135 (7.4) <.001 5579 (4.9)
CM_WGHTLOSS (Weight loss) 7000 (6.3) 381 (20.8) <.001 7381 (6.5)
Infectious variables, n (%)
BacterialInfectionAny 12,693 (11.4) 777 (42.5) <.001 13,470 (11.9)
BacterialInfectionOther 4531 (4.1) 139 (7.6) <.001 4670 (4.1)
EColiSepticemia 329 (0.3) 12 (0.7) .005 341 (0.3)
OtherGramNegSepticemia 472 (0.4) 33 (1.8) <.001 505 (0.4)
OtherSpecSepticemia 147 (0.1) 51 (2.8) <.001 198 (0.2)
SexTransInfectNotHIVnorHep 18 (0.0) 0 (0.0) .59 18 (0.0)
StaphylococcalSepticemia 746 (0.7) 79 (4.3) <.001 825 (0.7)
StreptococcalSepticemia 367 (0.3) 30 (1.6) <.001 397 (0.4)
Tuberculosis 140 (0.1) 3 (0.2) .65 143 (0.1)
UnspecSepticemia 6875 (6.2) 500 (27.3) <.001 7375 (6.5)
InflamAndOtherInfection 68,447 (61.5) 1554 (85.0) <.001 70,001 (61.8)

a Thomson-Reuters/Medstat: stage of principal disease category