Figure 6. Infusion of perforin-deficient DLI enhances tumor protection by TCRTg CD8+ T cells expanded in vivo with a tumor-specific vaccine.
C3H.SW recipients received TCD B6 bone marrow on day +0 followed by 30 × 106 DLI from B6 (wild type, WT or B6 prf1-/-(perforin) donors on day +14. On day +28, 10 × 106 Matahari T cells were adoptively transferred and all recipients concurrently received B6 male DC vaccine. (A) alloBMT recipients were weighed twice weekly, and on day +35, (B) all recipients were challenged with 1 × 106 MB49 tumor cells in the flank and measured twice weekly, 5 mice/group, p < 0.01 on day 35, data representative from two independent experiments.