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. 2013 Feb;34(1):15–38.

Table 4.

Pharmacogenetic HLA-associated drug hypersensitivity and related drug-induced syndromes. Adapted from Pavlos.54

Syndrome and Drug HLA Allele/genetic associations Populations
Allopurinol B*5801 (or B*58 haplotype) Han Chinese, Thai, European, Italian, Korean98103
Carbamazepine B*1502 Han Chinese, Thai, Malaysian, Indian91,104108
B*1511 Korean, Japanese86,109
B*1518, B*5901 and C*0704 Japanese110
A*3101 Japanese, northern European, Korean8688
Oxcarbazepine B*1502 and B*1518 Han Chinese, Taiwanese90,111
Lamotrigine B*1502 Han Chinese111
B*38 European102
Phenytoin B*1502, B*1301, Cw*0801 and DRB1*1602 Han Chinese92,111
Sulfamethoxazole B*38 European102
Methazolamide B*5901, Cw*0102 alleles and B*5901Cw*0102–A*2402 haplotype Korean and Japanese112,113
Sulphonamides A*29, B*12 and DR7 European112
Oxicam B*73, A*2 and B*12 European102

Abacavir B*5701 European, African80
Allopurinol B*5801 (or B*58 haplotype) Han Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, European99101,103
Nevirapine (hepatitis/low CD4+) DRB1*0101 Australian, European114,115
DRB1*0102 South African116
Nevirapine (DIHS/DRESS) Cw*8 or CW*8–B*14 haplotype Italian, Japanese117,118
Cw*4 and DRB1*15 Han Chinese119
B*3505 Asian115
B*3501 and B*15/DRB1*15 Australian57
Carbamazepine 8.1 AH (HLA A*0101, Cw*0701, B*0801, DRB1*0301, DQA1*0501, DQB1*0201) Caucasians 120
A*3101 Northern European, Korean and Japanese8688
A*11 and B*51 (weak)

Delayed Rash (nonsystemic)
Efavirenz DRB1*01 French121
Nevirapine DRB1*01 French 121
Cw*04, B*3505; rs1576*G CCHCR1 status (GWAS) African, Asian, European, Thai115,122124
Aminopenicillins A*2 and DR*52 Italian125
Carbamazepine (MPE) A*3101 Han Chinese, northern European88,126
Oxcarbazepine-induced MPE B*1502 Han Chinese127

Fixed Drug Eruption
Feprazone B*22 Italian37,128
Sulfamethoxazole A*30–B*13–Cw*6 haplotype Turkish38

Amoxicillin–clavulanate DRB1*1501, DRB107 protective, A*0201, DQB1*0602 and rs3135388, a tag SNP of DRB1*1501–DQB1*0602 European129131
Lumiracoxib DRB1*1501–DQB1*0602–DRB5*0101– DQA1*0102 haplotype International multicentre132
Ximelagatran DRB1*07 and DQA1*02 Swedish133
Diclofenac ABCB11, C-24T, UGT2B7*2, IL-4 C-590-A European134136
Isoniazid NAT2 slow acetylator, CYP2E1*5 and *1B European135,136
Flucloxacillin B*5701, DRB1*0107–DQB1*0103 European137
Lapatinib DRB1*0701–DQA2*0201–DQB1*0202/0202 International, multicentre138
Ximelagatran DRB1*07 and DQA1*02 European133

DIHS: Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome, DILI: Drug-induced liver disease, DRESS: Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, GWAS: Genome-wide association study, HSS: Hypersensitivity syndrome, MPE: Maculopapular eruption, SJS: Stevens–Johnson syndrome, TEN: Toxic epidermal necrolysis. SCAR: severe cutaneous adverse reaction, HLA human leukocyte antigen A, B, C, DRB1, DQA1, DQA2, DQB1 genes, CD4 (cluster of differentiation 4).