Table 3.
Chi-square |
RMSEA Cut-off < .06a |
CFI Cut-off ≈ .95 |
SRMR Cut-off ≤ .11 |
χ2 | df | p | ||||
SCL-90-R |
31074.113 |
3284 |
.000 |
.056 |
.749 |
.0608 |
11443.895 |
1091 |
.000 |
.059 |
.828 |
.0536 |
SCL-27 |
3351.461 |
309 |
.000 |
.060 |
.903 |
.0489 |
BSI-18 |
1490.482 |
132 |
.000 |
.061 |
.977 |
.0427 |
SCL-14 |
557.444 |
74 |
.000 |
.049 |
.969 |
.0325 |
SCL-K-9 | 382.378 | 27 | .000 | .069 | .948 | .034 |
Notes: χ2 = Chi-square; df = Degrees of Freedom; RMSEA = Root-Mean-Square-Error-of-Approximation; CFI = Comparative-Fit-Index; SRMR = Standardized-Root-Mean-Square-Residual; a = in a sample size of N > 250 the Cut-off is 0.06, in N < 250 the Cut-off is 0.08 [22]. N = 2727.