Stage 47 tadpoles were assayed for baseline avoidance behavior and subjected to injury (Day 0), then assayed for recovery. A. Animals were treated with cell division blockers (CDBs, red) or DMSO vehicle (green) for 24hrs from Day 2 to Day 3, then assayed for recovery of visual avoidance behavior. Injured animals treated with CDBs show a delayed recovery compared to injured animals treated with DMSO vehicle alone. CDBs have no effect on visual avoidance behavior in intact animals (purple). Control uninjured animals (blue) exposed to DMSO. B. Animals were deprived of visual experience for 48 hrs by placing them in the dark immediately after surgery (red) or were put in the standard 12hr light/dark conditions (green). Injured animals with visual deprivation show an accelerated recovery compared to injured animals housed in a normal 12hr light/dark cycle. All animals recover behavior by the end of the 7-day experiment, regardless of treatment. **p<0.01, data are average ± SEM.