Differences in paired-pulse facilitation between LEC and MEC synapses. (A) Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings from pyramidal neurons in proximal or distal CA1 under blockade of fast inhibitory transmission (bicuculline; 10 μM). Internal pipette solution contained QX314 (5 mM), TEA (10 mM), and 4AP (1 mM) to block voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels. A paired-stimulus was applied, and paired pulse facilitation was quantified at medial and lateral TA-CA1 synapses (second/first EPSC amplitudes, interstimulus interval: 50 ms) (scale bar = 20 ms). Right figure represents data from individual experiments (gray circles) and the mean (black diamonds) (n = 7 for each) (*P < 0.05). (B) Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings from granule cells in the DG. Recording conditions were same as in (A). A paired-stimulus was applied to either medial or lateral PP and paired pulse facilitation was quantified (second/first EPSC amplitudes, interstimulus interval: 50 ms) (scale bar = 20 ms). Right figure represents data from individual experiments (gray circles) and the mean (black diamonds) (n = 13 for each) (*P < 0.05).