Comparison between IPSCs evoked in leaner and WT PCs by stimulation of basket cells. a Diagram illustrating placement of stimulating (stim.) and recording (rec.) electrodes. ML molecular layer, PCL Purkinje cell layer, GCL granular cell layer. eIPSCs were recorded in the presence of kynurenic acid (5 mM) and were abolished by picrotoxin (200 µM, data not shown). b, c Superimposed IPSCs in WT and leaner PCs elicited by single pulse basket cell stimulation. Note higher level of spontaneous activity in leaner (c) compared to WT (b). d Examples of multicomponent eIPSCs elicited in a leaner PC from consecutive stimuli. e Summary comparison of eISPC amplitude, decay time constant, and the proportion of eIPSCs consisting of multiple components in WT and leaner PCs. *P<0.05