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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychol Bull. 2012 Nov 19;139(4):870–900. doi: 10.1037/a0030694

Table 1.

Brain Regions of Significant Convergence of Activity Related to Vigilant Attention Across All Experiments

Cluster/Macroanatomical Structure x, y, z Histological Assignment t-score
Cluster 1 (k = 1201)
L/R anterior paracentral lobule (pre−SMA) −2 8 50 Area 6 6.4
−2 6 60 Area 6 5.4
R medial posterior SFG (BA 8) 8 32 46 - 3.7
L/R dorsal midcingulate cortex (BA 32) 0 26 34 - 4.3
Cluster 2 (k = 748)
R inferior frontal junction (BA 9) 50 8 32 - 6.2
R precentral sulcus (ventral PMC) 50 4 42 - 5.2
R posterior IFG (pars opercularis) 48 6 22 Area 44 5.0
R posterior MFG (BA 9) 54 8 46 - 4.4
Cluster 3 (k = 529)
R anterior insula 40 22 −4 - 6.9
R inferior frontal gyrus (pars triangularis) 42 24 4 Area 45 4.4
Cluster 4 (k = 431)
R inferior frontal sulcus (BA 46) 46 36 20 - 6.3
R MFG (BA 46) 42 44 20 - 5.0
Cluster 5 (k = 347)
L precentral gyrus (dorsal PMC) −40 −12 60 Area 6 6.0
−40 −4 50 Area 6 4.9
Cluster 6 (k = 249)
L inferior occipital gyrus −46 −68 −6 - 4.4
L fusiform gyrus −40 −70 −16 - 3.7
L middle occipital gyrus −46 −76 4 hOc5 (V5) 3.5
Cluster 7 (k = 231)
L inferior frontal junction −48 8 30 Area 44 5.1
L posterior IFG −58 6 20 Area 44 3.4
Cluster 8 (k = 217)
R temporoparietal junction 62 −38 17 - 4.5
62 −36 20 IPC (PF, PFcm) 3.9
Cluster 9 (k = 192)
R anterior and middle thalamus 8 −12 6 - 5.3
Cluster 10 (k = 183)
R middle occipital gyrus 32 −90 4 - 5.7
R cuneus 22 −88 6 Area 17 3.8
R middle occipital gyrus 34 −96 2 hOc3v (V3v) 3.5
Cluster 11 (k = 149)
L anterior insula −42 12 −2 - 4.2
−34 22 −4 - 4.1
Cluster 12 (k = 106)
L anterior and middle thalamus −10 −14 6 - 5.3
Cluster 13 (k = 104)
L/R cerebellum (vermis) 6 −58 −18 Lobules V, VI (Vermis) 4.4
Cluster 14 (k = 103)
R inferior parietal lobule 44 −44 46 IPC (PFm) 3.9
R intraparietal sulcus 40 −42 44 hIP2 3.8
Additional clusters (40 < k < 80)*
R fusiform gyrus (k = 68) 36 −60 −22 - 3.8
R posterior inferior temporal gyrus (k = 61) 46 −64 −12 - 3.9
R posterior intraparietal sulcus (k = 55) 36 −60 48 hIP3 4.3
L ponto−mesencephalic tegmentum (possibly PPTg) (k = 53) −6 −22 −12 - 4.9
R putamen (k = 53) 26 6 0 - 4.1
L putamen (k = 44) −24 8 6 - 4.0

Note. Coordinates x, y, z of local maxima refer to Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space; k = number of voxels in cluster.

L = left; R = right; BA = Brodmann area; SFG/MFG/IFG = superior/middle/inferior frontal gyrus; pre-SMA = pre−supplementary motor area; PMC = premotor cortex; PPTg = pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. References for histological assignments: Area 6: Geyer (2004); Area 17: Amunts et al. (2000); Areas 44, 45: Amunts et al. (1999); hIP2: Choi et al. (2006); hIP3: Scheperjans et al. (2008); hOc3v: Rottschy et al. (2007); hOc5: Malikovic et al. (2007); IPC (PF, PFm, PFcm): Caspers et al. (2006); Lobules V, VI (Vermis): Diedrichsen et al. (2009).


Significant at p < 0.05 (uncorrected at cluster-level; cluster-forming threshold at voxel level: p < 0.001).