3β-Diol increases OT-luc activity via ER-β but not ER-α. A, Dose-response curves of OT-luc activity treated for 24 hours with vehicle or varying concentrations of E2, DPN, or 3β-diol. N38 cells were cotransfected with OT-luc and ER-β, and 24 hours later, cells were lysed and assayed for luciferase activity. B and C, N38 cells were cotransfected with OT-luc and ER-α (B) or ER-β (C), 24 hours before hormone treatment (vehicle or 100nM E2, DPN, or 3β-diol), and 24 hours later, cells were lysed and assayed for dual-luciferase activity. D, Identical experiment as C performed with human ER-β. E, Identical experiment as C performed in HT22 cells, a cell line derived from mouse embryonic hippocampal cells. Values are expressed as mean percent change of OT-luc activity from vehicle treatment ± SEM. *, Significantly different from vehicle group, P < .05.