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. 2013 Mar 4;5:plt014. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plt014

Table 1.

Carbon isotopic composition of species of Euphorbia with high to intermediate values of δ13C and CAM mode assigned by authors on the basis of leaf gas exchange, acid accumulation, δ13C and enzyme activity.

Species δ13C (‰) Mode Reference
angusta −24.9 NA Webster et al. (1975)
antiquorum −14.2 NA Batanouny et al. (1991)
aphylla ND Facultative Mies et al. (1996)
avasmontana −15.1 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
bothae −14.6 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
bubalina −13.2 NA Webster et al. (1975)
burmannii −18.3 NA Mooney et al. (1977)
caducifolia ND Constitutive Webster et al. (1975), Sayed (2001)
caput-medusae −13.3 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
cyathophora −25.8 NA Mies et al. (1996)
didieroides −26.6 NA Webster et al. (1975)
didieroides −24.3 NA Winter (1979)
dregeana ND Constitutive Sayed (2001)
drupifera −14.1 NA Webster et al. (1975)
gariepina −14.6 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
genoudiana −22.7 NA Winter (1979)
gorgonis −12.9 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
gragaria −11.6 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
grandidens ND Constitutive Webster et al. (1975), Sayed (2001)
inermis −13.4 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
ingezalahiana −23.6 NA Winter (1979)
inocua −28.1 NA Webster et al. (1975)
leucodendron −13.2 NA Winter 1979
macropodoides −28.3 NA Webster et al. (1975)
macropus −28.9 NA Webster et al. (1975)
mauritanica −16.0 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
milii ND Non-CAM Webster et al. (1975)
milii CAM McWilliams (1970)
nesemannii −11.6 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
nivulia −15.7 NA Webster et al. (1975)
nubica −14.5 NA Batanouny et al. (1991)
pentagona −14.9 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
peperomioides −25.6 NA Webster et al. (1975)
plagiantha −13.2 NA Winter (1979)
polygona −10.7 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
pulcherrima −25.5 NA Mies et al. (1996)
squarrosa −12.5 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
stenoclada −12.6 NA Winter (1979)
submamillaris ND Constitutive Webster et al. (1975), Sayed (2001)
tetragona −14.7 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
thi −13.2 NA Batanouny et al. (1991)
tirucalli −15.3 Constitutive Mies et al. (1996)
triangularis −13.6 Constitutive Mooney et al. (1977)
trigona −19.4 NA Webster et al. (1975)
xylophylloides ND Constitutive Webster et al. (1975), Sayed (2001)

NA, no mode assigned; ND, not determined.