Figure 5.
Western blots of total and phosphorylated forms of Akt and eNOS in homogenates of CMVECs and cerebral arteries treated with vehicle (control) or BMS-191095 (BMS) or diazoxide are shown (panel A). In panel B, western blots of total and phosphorylated forms of eNOS in homogenates of CMVECs and cerebral arteries treated with vehicle or diazoxide or diazoxide + wortmannin are shown. The cumulative data (mean±SEM) from the immunoband intensities were expressed as ratio of phosphorylated Akt to total Akt (panel C) and phosphorylated eNOS to total eNOS (panel D and E). (*) and (†) indicate significant difference compared with corresponding vehicle treated CMVECs and arteries respectively (p<0.05). Wort, wortmannin.