Figure 3. Correlations between intestinal genus-level phylogenetic groups and serum lipids.
The correlations between the intestinal bacteria and serum lipids are indicated by colors (red: positive; blue: negative). The significant correlations (q < 0.05) are indicated by ‘ + ’; only lipids and bacteria with at least one significant correlation are shown. Hierarchical clustering of the rows and columns highlights groups of significantly correlated bacteria and lipids. Lipids have been named according to Lipid Maps ( with the following abbreviations: Cer: ceramide; ChoE: cholesteryl ester; lysoPC: lysophosphatidylcholine; PA: phosphatidic acid; PG: phosphatidylglycerol; PC: phosphatidylcholine; PS: phosphatidylserine; SM: sphingomyelin; TG: triglyceride. Where the fatty acid composition could not be determined, the total number of carbons and double bonds is indicated. The first number indicates the amount of carbon atoms in the fatty acid molecule, followed by the number of double bonds. For further details, see the Methods section.