Table 2. Predicted GH2O values (in mgH20/day·Torr) for the Comahue eggs (based on Table 1 and formulae in [15]) alongside those for other taxa from previous studies (i.e., GH2O values estimated using pore counts from egg shell thin sections).
Source | Locality | Egg | GH2O |
This study | Neuquén, Argentina | Neuquenornis volans (enantiornithine bird) | 4.39 |
Sabath (1991) | Gobi Desert, Mongolia | Gobipteryx minuta (enantiornithine bird) | 2.7 |
Deeming (2006) | Portugal | Lourinhanosaurus antunesi (theropod) | 541 |
Deeming (2006) | China | Macroelognatoolithus xixianensis ( theropod) | 600 |
Deeming (2006) | Canada | Prismatoolithus levis (troodontid theropod) | 39 |
Deeming (2006) | Gobi Desert, Mongolia | Gobipteryx minuta (enantiornithine bird) | 2.5 |
Ar et al. (1974) | Africa | Struthio camelus (ostrich) | 105 |
Ar et al. (1974) | Australia | Dromiceius novaehollandiae (emu) | 51.8 |
Ar et al. (1974) | Holartic | Larus argentatus (herring gull) | 16.5 |
Ar et al. (1974) | Cosmopolitan | Gallus gallus (domestic chiken) | 14.4 |
Ar et al. (1974) | Asia | Phasianus colchicus (ring-necked phaesant) | 6.6 |
Ar et al. (1974) | East Asia | Coturnix coturnix (Japanese quail) | 3.1 |
Ar et al. (1974) | North America | Quisculus quiscula (common grackle) | 2.3 |
Ar et al. (1974) | Cosmopolitan | Passer domesticus (house sparrow) | 0.9 |
Note that: (1) because different approaches were used to predict GH2O values (regressions versus pore counts from thin sections) they may not be comparable; and (2) value shown for G. minuta is that predicted when compared to an avian egg of similar size, not GH2O, which has been estimated to range from 63.9 [11] to 22.4 [14]. See [11] for further discussion.