Figure 2. Variable importance plot from the Random Forest (RF) framework for predicting infection status in adult male Litoria pearsoniana captured at four study sites across three years of study (2006–2009).
To assess importance of each variable: after growing the kth tree, the values of the target variable among all out-of-bag (OOB) cases are randomly permuted and the OOB cases are run down the tree. The decrease in the number of votes for the correct class due to permuting is averaged over the forest. RH.minT30 is the average maximum relative humidity in the 30 days prior to sampling, Rain when sampling is the amount of rain (in mm) on the day swabs were taken in the field, T.max30 is the average maximum temperature in the 30 days prior to sampling, Year is the year in which samples were taken, Body size is measured as snout-urostyle length (SUL; measured in mm).