Figure 2. Subcellular localization of DgBRC1 alleles.
DgBRC1-1-GFP (A), DgBRC1-2-GFP (B), DgBRC1-1Δ17-GFP (C) and C-terminal sequences of three proteins (D) are shown. Images A, B, C, the bright-field, GFP fluorescence, and merged images of the same onion epidermal cells are presented from left to right respectively. DgBRC1-1-GFP localized in nuclei (A), while DgBRC1-2 -GFP localized in nuclei and plasma membranes (B). DgBRC1-1Δ17-GFP accumulated in nuclei and plasma membranes in 5 of 25 cells (C), whereas the others accumulated in nuclei (data not shown). The C-terminal sequences of DgBRC1-1, DgBRC1-2, DgBRC1-1?17 are shown in D, the extra 17 amion acids in DgBRC1-1 and the mutated 17 amino acids in DgBRC1-1Δ17 are both underlined.