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. 2013 Apr 17;8(4):e61883. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061883

Table 1. Demographic data of each individual of the group of patients.

Subject Age Months Since Stroke MRCS Lesion Location Barthel Index
1 42 20 4− Left Thalamus, Posterior Putamen and Internal Capsule 90
2 65 8 5− Right Frontal and Temporal Cortex and Striatum 85
3 66 74 4− Right Internal Capsule and Striatum 95
4 60 11 5− Left Thalamus 100
5 59 71 4+ Right Frontal, Temporal and Parietal Cortex 95
6 68 10 4+ Right Temporal and Frontal Cortex 75
7 65 14 4+ Left Thalamus 70
8 63 50 5− Left Subinsular Region and Claustrum 100
9 51 59 4 Left Prerolandic Region 100
10 68 7.5 5− Right Thalamus 80
11 49 10 4+ Left Thalamus 100
12 71 8 3+ Right Subinsular Region and Frontal Cortex 90
13 66 6 3+ Left Lenticular Nucleus and Internal Capsule 70
14 44 9 5− Right Pons 100
15 65 6.5 5− Left Internal Capsule 95
16 60 55 4 Left Putamen and External Capsule 100
17 42 16 4− Left Frontal and Temporal Cortex 100
18 65 18 5− Right Caudate and Cerebellum 95
19 57 20 5− Right Temporal Cortex 95
20 55 13 4+ Left Pons and Occipital Cortex 95

For each participant, the following data was obtained at the time the patient began the study: The age (years), months since the stroke, the Medical Research Council (MRC) score, the location of the lesion and the Barthel Index.

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